music video for “Glowworms” by SiP
Drew Ryan got his hands on an old Elmo document viewer and hooked it up to a JVC composite video mixer. Playing around with the internal settings he got this hazy video effect that was the original inspiration to make the video. He then asked me if I’d be down to cut some shapes out of lighting gels and tinted 3M films. We played the song on repeat and I started laying the shapes onto the document bed making compositions. Drew was recording and working the mixer, zooming in and out and inverting the colors as I worked on different shape layouts. We liked the video effect so much, Drew used stills from that for the design of the “Los Ultras” album cover coming out in November on Not Not Fun.
video concept / editing: Drew Ryan
shapes / composition: Cody Hudson
music: SiP
You Can't Win Them All.