Primary is proud to present OMGWTF, a group exhibition featuring Oona Brangam-Snell, Tim Brawner, Andrej Dubravsky, Loren Erdrich, Gao Hang, Cody Hudson,
Ted Lawson, Mía Lee, Tuilelaith-Fionnuala Onòra, Ryan Schneider, Mr. StarCity, and Wade Tullier.
In one way or another, this exhibit is a thick and sloppy brush stroke dragged across a surface of your preference. It is an illegal U-Turn from the right lane at 35 MPH;
a high-speed crash course in ass shaking while mouthing the lyrics "cotton candy, sweetie gold, let me see the Tootsee Roll."
Sometimes, it may present itself as a decadent dessert for your first course at a late-night dinner. Other times, it could wander off into a field with a Florida man holding an alligator and picking mushrooms. Occasionally, this offering might sound like a punk riff with extra distortion played at 120 decibels. It could easily vibrate like blue text on a red background or move like a VW Cabriolet 5-Speed with the top-down blasting Young MC while waving a white flag.
The exhibition title, OMGWTF, is a contemporary cultural acronym commonly associated with a wide range of passionate responses. It is being utilized here as a compass. It serves as a reminder that instinct and intuition, opposed to academia, are unrivaled gifts to be built upon in the execution of creativity.
In the end, this presentation is the cultivation of unpredictability and the result of a dedicated search for honest works.
Opens: November 30, 2021 | 4 - 8 PM
Miami Art Week - Visiting Hours
Nov. 30 | 4 - 8 PM
Dec. 1 | 11 - 5 PM
Dec. 2 | 11 - 5 PM
Dec. 3 | 11 - 5 PM
Dec. 4 | 11 - 5 PM